by ioanpopovici
Soarele mi-a tot apus,
până când,
într-o bună dimineaţă,
ai zâmbit şi l-ai adus,
până-n lumea mea de gheaţă.
Şi atunci când ai venit,
într-o albă dimineaţă,
Lumina ce mi-ai adus,
mi-a topit un cub de gheaţă
Cubul fiind topit
într-o bună dimineaţă,
dragostea ce am primit
a învins lumea de gheaţă
Chiar acum îmi amintesc
de acea albă dimineaţă
în care ai apărut
dăruindu-mi viaţă
Dar cu frică mă gândesc
cum ar fi
ca-ntro tristă dimineaţă
dragostea ce o purtăm
să devină cub de gheaţă
Scrisă de mine, în decembrie 2007. Nu ştiu de ce.
Încă nu sunt hotărît dacă va rămâne aici sau nu.
Imi place mai ales ultima strofa.
Feliciari pt compozitie:)
Bafta la examene (daca mai ai).
defapt aia e singura strofa .. restu-s incercarile de pe parcurs
Good stuff!! This goes out to all the my friends and colleagues from high school, that I ain’t seen in a long time: Johny Lutas, Tony Gergely, Ioan Popovici, Iosif Varga, Adrian, and all of you mad fellas that were true friends through the thick and thin, nothing but love.
It’s been a long while since I seen my old school peers
Reminiscing how we spent our childhood years
High school was a double bomb, learn and play
Some prepared for exams others chose to pray
But now we gone on long mission
For happiness
And in this world it’s a competition
To be the best
And most us aim
For fortune and fame
Learn rules, make moves
We all play the game
So here’s for my peers I ain’t seen in a while
Whenever think of the dumb shit
I can’t help but smile
And tho the distance do us part
That’s just fate
I got your names and the memories
Locked in my brain
And here’s my last my last rhyme tonight
To my brothers that breath
Make the best that you can
Of the life that you lead
Be out for all that
Knowing that this world brings drawbacks
You can be left with no money
But you’ll always have one friend
01:08 AM Feb. 03 .2010
Valiii, multumesc mult, Romania saluta Australia.
Enjoy my friend, enjoy!